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Motor Spinning Issue


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Hello all,

I just picked up what I believe after a bunch of research (since the tag is removed on the side) is a Dixie Narco 440? This is hopefully my upgrade from the Coinco CT48 I've had for the last year.

The compressor kicks on, sold out lamps illuminate on/off when I press down inside each column and it sounds like the money collects as well. 

Once I put money in, one of the motors spin forever. This happens before I even select an option, right when the money processes. I'm not sure if this is the reason nothing is vending or there is something else.

Here's a video of the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgbkmvr7q1jpmfw/IMG_0853.MOV?dl=0

I also attached 2 close up photos of the motor in question.


Thank you for the help,


2018-03-18 18.14.37.jpg




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Thank you very much for your quick response AZVendor!

To replace the motor cluster switch would I replace the entire motor with this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vending-machine-motor-Dixie-Narco-Single-column-GREY-DISK-leg-style-368-440/311602668958?hash=item488cf7659e:g:52gAAOSw2GlXI~mG:sc:USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope!08889!US!-1

Or is this the specific part that I'd replace: https://www.ebay.com/itm/DIXIE-NARCO-SODA-VENDING-MACHINE-2-VEND-MOTOR-SINGLE-CLUSTER-SWITCHES-/181548495092


Thanks again for the help I really appreciate it. 



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So that means trying to swap the motor switch out from another one to test wouldn't work because it's three switches?  So far this is what I found but you said three switches together so it needs to be a triple then https://na.suzohapp.com/products/vending_parts/H80410069001DN


Is the switch I need at the top of the image in this (which is on the bottom when mounted) : https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vending-machine-motor-Dixie-Narco-Single-column-GREY-DISK-leg-style-368-440/311602668958?hash=item488cf7659e:g:52gAAOSw2GlXI~mG:sc:USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope!08889!US!-1 


Thank you both for you help


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The gray cam motor in the pic above: swap switches with the motor to it's left. It's only 2 screws. If the problem moves with the switch, that's the problem. If the problem stays on the same motor with a different switch, then you have a wiring issue. It's also quite possible the plugs are not properly seated. Unplug & replug before swapping. Beware, there is 110VAC all over these motors and switches so unplug the machine from the wall unless you like electrical punishment.

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I think I get exactly what you're saying now. 

Unscrew both screws (yellow arrows pointed at them)

Swap that one with the left one to see if the click happens then on the one to the left vs the right one. If it does then I know its the switch otherwise it could be wiring or a motor issue.

But before I do that unplug machine, pull out the plug connected to the switch and plug back in. 


Usually I tinker with Raspberry Pi's and Arduino's so knowing this motor will give me a jumpstart on life, if still connected to the wall is appreciated. 



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Thanks! I just ordered this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vending-machine-motor-Dixie-Narco-Single-column-GREY-DISK-leg-style-368-440/311602668958?hash=item488cf7659e:g:52gAAOSw2GlXI~mG:sc:USPSPriorityMailPaddedFlatRateEnvelope!08889!US!-1 coming Friday. Hoping that's the only issue! Wishful thinking of course :)

Once I get it up and running on to converting this to a smart vending machine!

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AZVendor, when I say Smart vending machine I mean my personal smart vending machine that I'm testing voice biometrics, face ID, inventory tracking, calorie counting / aggressive "healthy" mode ("Wes you had an orange soda today which has a lot of calories, here's a water fatty"). Lipstick on a pig maybe but "It's whats on the inside that counts" :)

I just need to get this DN440 to vend using it's motors correctly then I'll investigate hooking my raspberry pi up to it to override control there. 

Yet another pet project I've thought about for a while and feel like giving a shot. Hopefully the new motor on Friday will allow these to vend. I appreciate you guys helping me since as you see by my questions I'm not familiar with vending machine internal components but looking to retrofit it.


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Sounds you are doing this for fun and not profit.

From one electronics hobbyist to another, good luck.

If you need help just PM me.

Here is a hint: these old machines had some pretty clever circuits that did not use a single microchip. Study the circuit diagram thoroughly before doing anything.

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Yeah more of a proof on concept and if it works / others have interest in it then I'll see if its worth doing with a newer version vending machine. I just wanted to do this project with a full size vending machine vs my Coinco CT48. 

Thanks for the kind words I appreciate it! My initial thoughts were to look into making it free to vend (saw some wiring diagrams that allow a bypass maybe?) and then hijacking the button press of each vending slot to connect to the raspberry pi. First I need it to work as it was built then I'll go from there. If it still fails on me I may look into changing out the motors with newer ones that are easier for me to understand connecting to the pi. 

If I went the route of getting a brand new machine to do this with, I'd probably get continuous eye rolls from the wife on a daily basis haha.

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I've though about doing this (with the understanding that it was more for fun than profit) but just never had the time.

The way I planned it was to first put a credit on the credit relay (using the free vend bypass) using another relay connected to the Arduino (remember everything is 110V)

Then you would replace the select switches with SPDT relays.

Then run your own harness to the select switches to tell your Arduino what selection you wanted.

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Yeah agreed time is the biggest hurdle. I just figured having a 6 foot machine in my garage would help move the idea along :)

Once I confirm it vends then I'll move to figuring out free vend bypass then over to similar idea of what you said with replacing switches with relays. 

There are so many solid API's for voice biometrics and face recognition out there I needed a ridiculous project to play around with it so hopefully I'll get there!

I thought of doing Arduino vs Raspi but I find myself using Raspi more often for projects around the house. Plus face recognition software runs on its. 

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