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Anybody Have Experience with an In Person Locator Named Harry?


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   I ran across an ad on craigslist for a guy named Harry out of Columbus, Ohio that does in person locating. Bulk and boxes. I called him and he called back and left me a message, but before I call him back, I was wondering if anyone has used him and how he did  

Also, has anybody ever just put out a search looking for somebody locally to go around and get okays  on locations?  A college kid or somebody looking to make a few bucks?  Thanks. 

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I tried the local thing and it just didn't seem like people could wrap their heads around what I was asking. The last in person locator I used was travis brenson. I've seen mixed reviews on him, but he did a total of 400 boxes for me, and overall I'd definitely use him again. And may use him soon. 

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Hey verdigirl !

What state are you in?  I know plenty of operations that have used Harry (Mosevsian) in the past, including us.  It's probably been about 12-15 years since we used him last.  I do know that he will charge you for air fare if he has to fly out to you (or at least he used to).  I can give you more detailed information if you would like.  Just PM me.  Are you placing Honor Snack trays, honor mint/lollipop boxes, or bulk machines?

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On 4/17/2018 at 7:23 PM, verdigirl said:

Thank you both for your replies.  I live in New York.   I will pm you for more info. Thanks!

Hey verdigirl!  Just curious if you decided to use Harry and how things went?  Hope all is well!  :) 

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