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New to vending and trying to learn as much as possible.


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On average how much will a location make with a double head machine? 

What is the minimum you expect your double head machines to make?

I’m new into the vending world so I have a lot of question. Also how do I get set up with Pink robbion for bulk machines?

I’m  also going to do honor boxes but I understand that goes in a different place. 

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 Locating is the key to the bulk vending business. If you are not someone who is willing to go cold  call 10 to 20 businesses in a day, this business is probably not for you. Think about that before you take your next step. 

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Overall, in person delivers better results, in terms of success rate. However, it takes more time and wastes fuel.

Phone locating has a lot lower success rate, because it is very easy to hang up or say no over a phone. However, its faster, easier and cheaper to call.


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If you have been getting poor results door to door you will have even worse results over the phone.

What I said above was not meant to say one was better than the other, but that each method has pros and cons. Choose the one that is better for your particular operation.

A good guide can be found here


Enter your email in the box to get the guide.

I know it seems sketchy but the owner is a member on this site, ronsidney, and he's a solid guy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/25/2018 at 6:59 PM, ARVend said:

On average how much will a location make with a double head machine? 

What is the minimum you expect your double head machines to make?

I’m new into the vending world so I have a lot of question. Also how do I get set up with Pink robbion for bulk machines?

I’m  also going to do honor boxes but I understand that goes in a different place. 

Our average is about $18 per location but the range is considerable, probably $1 to 100.  Most have a double.

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