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I’m Jim in North Texas 

just researching before jumping in.

Planning to consentrate on healthy vending 

welcome any help. Got interested by some healthy vending machine sellers but Leary of their prices. Now looking for guidance about what to research so I can make a good decision before jumping in. I am a senior looking to establish a small business that I can operate on my own to supliment my income.

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Don't do it!  Use the search feature here and read all the warnings and bad reviews of so-called healthy vending.  You will not survive if that's what you focus on.  While there is some demand for healthy food it's still not rampant in the vending industry.  Successful vendors introduce small numbers of healthy items and just keep the nuts happy while 80% of customers will buy the typical vending machine fare.  DO NOT get blinded by glitzy websites, promotions, graphics or fantastic promises.

You can buy all the used machines you want and wrap them with your own graphics and Voila!, you're in the healthy vending racket.  Saves you a lot of money of you're bent on doing healthy.

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