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Royal 500-40 pos

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This pita is killing me lately. 

Just installed USA tech readers on a bank of machines. All good on all machines but this one. Seems to just decline the customers cards. Is this an eprpm issue?

I called royal (coin acceptors in canada) and was told I cannot buy an eprom by itself and that I would need to buy a new logic board and a new other board (2 board machine) so they run the same software. If this is an eprom issue that seems awfully expensive.

This is a coke machine but trust me I've called atleast 6 times to my rep who now is non existent so any help from them is out of the question. Still waiting on 4 new machines going on 6 months...

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I would say this is a good reason to avoid the bottler, but the reasons I avoid them are because it can take a while to get parts when a machine is down (unless you are willing to perform the repair twice, once with your parts and once with theirs) and because you have to order x amount of product every year at their price.

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To your question, yes, this is an eprom issue.  Why you must replace two boards I can't answer but Royal usually leads people the right way so there must be a valid reason.

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17 hours ago, orsd said:

This is why bottler machines can be a bad idea.

Agree. With great customer service  (pepsi) however it is necessary when you chase 100k+ accounts all day

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14 hours ago, AngryChris said:

I would say this is a good reason to avoid the bottler, but the reasons I avoid them are because it can take a while to get parts when a machine is down (unless you are willing to perform the repair twice, once with your parts and once with theirs) and because you have to order x amount of product every year at their price.

It seems to only be coke I have issues with. Pepsi repair is literally a 24 hour turn around to get a tech on site during the week. Also I have over 40 machines and my rep has my minimum order at $250 a month lol (though I do one $1500 a month order of the harder to get items)

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7 hours ago, AZVendor said:

To your question, yes, this is an eprom issue.  Why you must replace two boards I can't answer but Royal usually leads people the right way so there must be a valid reason.

Thanks AZ - that is what I figured so bit the bullet and ordered them.

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