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New to Honor Box Vending

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Hi, I’m new to the vending world. What exactly do I need to start honor box vending? Do I need a vendors license? I’m thinking about ordering 25 boxes from Sheridansystems. What exactly do I need to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

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  • 1 month later...

I kind of figured it out. I ordered boxes from sheridansystems. Total was $226 

i hooked up with AAFLC charity which is $1 a box.

I have placed 3 boxes so far and just collected from a week ago. I made $22.23 

im going out this weekend to place more I hope. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have 9 locations so far. I have 25 boxes but locations are kind hard for me to get. 

I just collected last week. I’m trying every 3 weeks to collect and replace boxes. 

My best place is a nail salon. I made $37.22 and my worst place is also a nail salon which made $1.25. the total for all my boxes I have located was $209.97 with paying the charity and buying more product I made a little over $100 which isn’t to bad I guess. 

I’m saving all I can to get into pop/soda machines. I’m using the honor boxes as just a way to get into vending.  

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1 hour ago, thedosdiez said:

Hi, I have 9 locations so far. I have 25 boxes but locations are kind hard for me to get. 

I just collected last week. I’m trying every 3 weeks to collect and replace boxes. 

My best place is a nail salon. I made $37.22 and my worst place is also a nail salon which made $1.25. the total for all my boxes I have located was $209.97 with paying the charity and buying more product I made a little over $100 which isn’t to bad I guess. 

I’m saving all I can to get into pop/soda machines. I’m using the honor boxes as just a way to get into vending.  

Definitely check out this thread for locating tips: 

I reposted some of the best locating tips I’ve ever been given there. Hope they help.

 Welcome to forum and I wish you success.

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1 hour ago, thedosdiez said:

Hi, I have 9 locations so far. I have 25 boxes but locations are kind hard for me to get. 

I just collected last week. I’m trying every 3 weeks to collect and replace boxes. 

My best place is a nail salon. I made $37.22 and my worst place is also a nail salon which made $1.25. the total for all my boxes I have located was $209.97 with paying the charity and buying more product I made a little over $100 which isn’t to bad I guess. 

I’m saving all I can to get into pop/soda machines. I’m using the honor boxes as just a way to get into vending.  

Nice, thanks for the follow-up!  That equates to about $4/Box/Wk which is what I figured I would average around.  Regardless sounds like your doing fairly well.  Do you mind telling what "speech" your using to try and get locations?  This has been worrying me, and I wonder what my success rate will be like.  My dad was doing it and was able to land 8/10, but hes been in sales for 30+ years.  

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Now that I’m used to it I’m seeing about 8/10 as well. Doesn’t bother me at all when I get a call to pick up a box because at this point I’ll just place it again within 5 minutes; maybe even in the same plaza.

Settle on a script, rehearse it many times and then when you have it down, work on making it more and more casual and less sales. Remember, you’re offering them an awesome service free of charge, no need to sell anything, just conversationally explain how it works and see if they want it. If not, move on and don’t look back (for 6 months or so, then try again.)

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