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Picked this up today.


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That's a nice machine. Always wanted one of those so I couldn't help you whether they are the same locks or not. You could call Beaver and one of their sales people can help you. They would tell you what you need but then you have to order at least $50 from them. Or, you can call this guy. I have ordered from him before and he is always quick to answer the phone and quick with shipping. He is a talker though! Tries real hard at what he does.


The phone number is right there at the beginning of the page.

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Thanks very much.   I actually don't think it's made by Beaver they just use a Beaver mech which is high quality.   I was hoping someone on here had one and could tell me if the locks were the same.

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That's not a beaver machine, they just use a beaver mech when they produced them. 

Top is just a normal bulk machine lock. Not sure what type of lock is needed for the cash box

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