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Automatic Products CS15 rebuild


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Hey Guys,

After rebuidling a Vendo i’m now working on a AP CS15 which was almost scrapped. I’ve got the machine almost working again except for the NRI G10 with Changer (NRI G26.4000 it seems).

I’ve found a German manual for the G26.4000 but even though i’m a neighbour of the Germans i’m having a lot of trouble understanding the works and programming bits.

Might anybody have an English version of the G26.4000 system so that i can get it to fill the return tubes etc etc

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  • 11 months later...
Automatic Products CS15 with a different Control Board ? 

Good day all,
Well, the G26 is kind of working, but there are some broken pieces, so I got my hands on a nice G46 unit... BUT.......
The Control Board does not have the same connectors as I can find in my downloaded AP C Series Manual... The connector that goes to the Coin unit has a 11 pin AMP in-line connector (RH side of the board) with the key at position 2.
I would like to install the newer Coin Unit (NRI G46) but as the G26 has a way different Connector (11pin AMP, 6wires used) as compared to the new G46 (6Pin, 5 wires used) I'm trying to find the schematics for this Control Board. Many thanks for any and all info available 🙂

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Apparently you're not in the US so I have no idea what a C series machine would even be doing there.  That board is probably 25 years old and there is no retrofit for it.  The original coinage is all that will work in it.  There are some MDB converters out there, in the US anyway, but they have slow payouts and are designed only for 6 pin MDB coin mechs.

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Good day AZVendor, 

Correct, not from the US... these machines seem to have been distributed here in the Netherlands under a different series, first being used with the dutch Guilder and later in 2001 all reprogrammed to work with the Euro. I now found out that the Control Board uses the Simplex V communication with the Coin unit (storing pricing etc in the Coin unit and not a function of the Control Board) so only replaceable with a Simplex V (there are G46 units that can communicate over MDB, Simplex V etc... but mine is only MDB unfortunately).

But good news for me is that the old Vends 75 I rebuild now doesn't have a Coin Changer, but the Control Board does have MDB :) so I'll be using the G46 to upgrade that machine a keep working on the CS15 with its G26 to attempt to get it working and a bit reliable :) .

Thanks for the reply!!! 

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