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Snackshop 7600 Keypad Issue

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Short story: the letters and even numbers work on the keypad so I bought a replacement keypad and just installed it. However, the same issue exists with only the even numbers working. I have a feeling it could be the harness between the keypad and the board. Is this harness serviceable? 

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You probably can't get the harness as a new service part.  Make sure yours is installed correctly with no damage and plugged into the logic board correctly.  Then you may need to find a used interconnect harness.  It could also be the logic board.  

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I have those harnesses left over from In-One upgrades. The thing to remember with them, is that there is a gap on each plug at the membrane and the gaps face each other. Email me if you want a harness.

gbruss <at> mmsalescompany <dot> com

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