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CryptoCurrency acquiring upgrade for Vending Machines

Hod Konem

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We are the crypto ethusiasts team  that plans to provide innovative
cryptocurrency payments solutions to vending industry with maximum convenience 
and minimum spendings. 
You can read more about team and our plans an DASH forum: 

And we are so interested to gain opinions/feedbacks from maximum vending industry members.

And could you help us to obtain some vending industry info/statistics?

Big thanks for your answers.
With respect. Yuri.

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This sounds stupid.  What's wrong with good old American currency, coin and credit cards?  Crypto currency will be hard to get adoption for.  If you don't have any vending experience then you're in for a rude awakening to how long it takes for this industry to adopt anything new, especially something as volatile and vague as virtual money.  You should also improve your mastery of the english language if you want to be taken seriously here in the states, whether you're in San Francisco or not.  I personally never do business with anyone that doesn't speak fluent English.

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