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Problem With My Vendstars and Trapped Quarters

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It seems all of my Vendstars have a bunch of quarters stuck on this ridge above the coin chute.  Is this like common in all of these machines?  ( I still cant believe i am running these)

  • 2 weeks later...

A better way is to fix the problem and it can be done with a small piece of bicycle innertube. If you look at the picture you will see a quarter coming through the mech, just below that, you will see where the small piece of innertube is glued to the mech. It is a little hard to see. this will keep the coin on the path to the tray. There is a piece laying on the chute that shows the size to use.

Sorry for the fuzzy photo, guess I had one beer to many.



Outlander, is there a chance that you can take a better picture? I am very interested in fixing this problem on my machines(i have 115 of them). I cant tell exactly how you have that peice in there by the pic. Thanks!



I've got a bunch of these Vendstars and I'd like to second the request for more pictures of this. Actually, everyone in the forum with Vendstars could use this because all Vendstars are gonna have the same problem and do.

Great idea and thanks!



I will try to get some up, but may have to wait for the snowstorm to get over before I can go to the warehouse and get a mech to take a pic of.

It is really not that difficult. If you look at the back of the mech, you will see a lip that makes the path for the coin to follow. It is just too short and the coins fall over it onto the chute. Just glue, superglue, a 3/4" strip of anything along that lip and your done.

  • 2 weeks later...

It is a desing flaw for sure. I've gotten really good at sticking my hand up in there and flicking the quarters down. Sometimes there will be up to $4.00 sitting on one chute. It could take awhile to retrofit every chute, but it may be worth it. Thanks.

You Vendstar fans will love this. There was a pile of Vendstars ( they looked new or almost new ) in a warehouse the other day. The vendor asked if I wanted them. I said no thank you. He was going to give them to me. They all went into the garbage on Thursday. Obviously I could have said yes and then sold them but I am not about doing crap like that as I am trying to form a good relationship with this guy and his company.

If I knew where that garbage dumpster was I'd be doin some dumpster diving! Throwing away perfectly good machines when there are so many people that would love to have them on their route is ungrateful to say the least. He should have at least given them to a charity rather than throw them away.



I was actually able to salvage 6 machines from there on Thursday. You guys are too funny.............

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