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Advice needed on fiberglass repair on Spiral machine?

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I bought a used Spiral without seeing a problem that needs to be fixed.  The machine looks beautiful, almost like a brand new machine, but had hidden damage to the fiberglass.  The damage to the machine was underneath the machine and not seen in looking at it.  What someone did must have been to lay the machine down and cut a hole with a knife, maybe 2"X3" beneath the coin area.  I've seen a few of these where someone has take a crowbar and busted open the coin door by just breaking the fiberglass around the little door.  This was pretty smart on someones part and thoughtful not to ruin the whole base of the machine.  lol  I've seen repair kits in auto parts stores to fix fiberglass but don't really have any personal experience doing this.  Appreciate any help or advice from you guys that may have worked with fiberglass repair?



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