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Anybody Put Extra Labels on Their Mint Boxes?


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42 minutes ago, verdigirl said:

Thanks for your reply I really want to put a label on saying the candy is not free, but there has to be a more polite way of saying it. Any ideas?

Just place a label about as long as the coin slot 1/4 in wide. Just say. (  Pay Here ).  You can use a Brother label maker for this

Edited by Harvending
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A price label "50c or 3/$1.00" to the left and/or right of coin slot (or on the lid if acrylic box) and a "Pay Here" or "Deposit Here" above and/or below the coin slot are all you need. You also want your company name/logo with email or phone number somewhere (biz card works fine)... for the location to be able to reach you about problems, box empty, they want it gone, etc.

It is a very basic concept. Nearly everyone has seen them and knows how they work (or can figure it out in 3 seconds). Charity boxes should be in customer driven locations and will always have slight to significant theft. It is part of the game. A lot of the "customers" are young kids and teens who steal and little kids who can't read but see a sucker. A lot of parents won't have change or singles since many people don't carry cash. You just have to hope most of the adults will pay for what they and their kids take.

Avoid the negatively toned and exclamatory stuff like "Not free!" or "Please pay!" or "On Your Honor." Those are basically accusing the reader of stealing; having a price already said they're not free... without doing that implication. I also avoid the sticky notes "box was short last week" and "please remember to pay" and "box will be removed if shortage continues," etc that a lot of vendors try. You don't want your box to trying to be a hardass and lay down commands... the box won't win many fights. Using those harsher wordings, basically calling the location thieves, or giving light threats just breaks rapport, causes people to laugh at and/or dislike the box, and they broadcast that theft has probably been occurring. That is not a good place to be, and it tends to increase theft or even raise chances of vandalism or theft of the entire box. Simply set your acceptable limits for theft/shortage % and frequency, and stick with them. Tell the location whatever you want when you pull the box... leaving the area (aka leaving their store!), closing up or downsizing your box business (at their location!), shortage was too high, etc. Doesn't matter.

...You really just need price listed visibly in one or two places, "Deposit Here" by coin slot, and then your contact info one or two places on the box. KISS

Edited by FlyGuy
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18 hours ago, FlyGuy said:

I also avoid the sticky notes "box was short last week" and "please remember to pay" and "box will be removed if shortage continues," etc that a lot of vendors try. You don't want your box to trying to be a hardass and lay down commands... the box won't win many fights. Using those harsher wordings, basically calling the location thieves, or giving light threats just breaks rapport, causes people to laugh at and/or dislike the box, and they broadcast that theft has probably been occurring.

This is a technique that should NEVER be used for a Charity box.  It would be pointless.  Your primary customer base are the customers of the locations you place your charity boxes.  Anytime you are dealing with the public, "reminder" notes would be useless.  I would think that not only placing your price in plain view (ie.: near your coin slot) but displaying PROMINENTLY your charity that is being sponsored would also indicate that the item's were not free.  Also, along with shortage, you should always look at CASH COLLECTED (volume).  If you have a high volume account, you can handle a higher shortage percentage.  Never discard the value of the cash collected.  :)


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  • 2 months later...

FlintFlash is correct.  I look at the total collection not so much one location.  Total collected should average at least $20/box.  Some locations may be down one month; but, high the next month.  Theft is part of the game.  Average $20/box and you will be okay.

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