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Friday I was called by three different places and asked to remove the machines.  one is a gym that was pounding dark chocolate mm and was a gravy location for me.  Change of owners.  The motorcycle shop wants to remove all machines because they are doing something different.  The other was a take n bake pizza place and it was charity and before i remove the machine i will offer a commission.  but i think that one is a goner as well.

Oh well i am out to get some new locations.  One gym i service has opened a new location so i have one covered, but two to find.  Good thing i like locating.  i was going to move one anyway.  Just hating losing the gravy spot.


It seems to me that I loose locations in bunches as well. I pulled one last week and lost 3 this week. If one calls to say pull it I seem to loose a couple more within a week.

Loosing gravy locations is always hard to take.


losing a good loction can be so frustrating and depressing, the gravy ones are difficult to find and locate a machine in as theres always competition.

here i find most premises where theres a refrigerated snack and drink machine already in place, the owner has agreed to locate them in the premises provided they have no other vending machine onsite, this sure restricts our potential market for candy machines.

we also have the same problem with hotel chains for our kids amusement machines, they get tied to national deals from there state or national head office which precludes us from a vast majority of potential sites.

good luck with locating those machines



I know what you're going through. Lately it seems businesses are uptight with the decline of business and want to take it out on us poor old vendors. I've also had a harder time trying to place the pulled machines. I sure do hope this economy turns around soon. The decrease in my sales are killing me.


Just look for that other door to open somewhere. I had a crummy day on Thursday but the other door opened today.

I started doing some part time merchandising for extra cash and I have a weekly vist near one of my machines. I figured I can kill two birds with one stone. After working my regular job I headed to my part time one which takes 2 hours. After that I decided to swing by and service my machine. I dumped some quarters from the middle tray of my 1-800 on the floor and went chasing them. I had already dumped both ends into the ziplock bags and had them inside my backpack. Well I was chatting with the amusement vendor also collecting about possible locations for me to put my 6 way Beaver rack in. He had some good leads for me and I forgot about the last ziplock bag on the counter on the wall. So I get home a go to count them a couple of hours later and I am missing that ziplock bag. I called them but of course no one turned them in. I figure it was about $5 so I chalked it up.

Now this afternoon I am on my way home from Gander where I just picked up some fishing stuff and as I am getting in the car my cell rings. I did not know the number and almost did not answer it but I did. Good thing because it was one of my decent locations (Hungry Howies), I had left a flyer for my racks a few weeks ago but never heard back. I have been busy and forgot to follow up but you all know how many no's we get so it slipped my mind as a no. The owner had just found it on his desk in a pile where the worker had left it. He apologised for not getting back to me sooner. He said go ahead and bring the rack in whenever I want to. So I lost $5 and gained my first rack placement. He is also going to try and get his buddy to put one of my machines in his pizza place.

So always look for the door to open and be ready to grab the handle when one closes.


thanks for all your support. It is an unfortunate part of the business. I will just have to be out there placing these four machines becfore i get to pull some duds and place them. oh well life goes on and there is another gravy waiting. I will just have to find it. Here's the a new gravy location for all of us this Spring.


Losing good locations sucks but ultimately it is a numbers game that swings the other way for us, as we purge bad stops and lose/pull them, the odds increase a gravy spot will be the next to go.  You never know!

I lost two in the same plaza because the plaza owner thinks gumballs are a safety hazard, real crazy stuff.  That was last spring and I still think about it from time to time, a real golpher if you know what I mean!  :)

But hang in there, out of the ashes usually flies a Phoenix, much like the old Native tribal stories.  Beers story about losing $5, spilling quarters, and then ending up with his rack placement speaks to this.

As long as you keep plugging and doing the right thing, it will work out.  You may see those business who think they were too good for you suddenly struggle and maybe go under because they have their heads sticking up trying to not smell the stench from their loss-ridden businesses!  :) 

I wish David.....lol. That was a great run I had there last summer with acquiring gravy aka ' bringin' home the bacon ' locations.

I wish David.....lol. That was a great run I had there last summer with acquiring gravy aka ' bringin' home the bacon ' locations.

I thought you'd get a kick out of that one Johnny!:)


Being a preacher i am in the saving business. LOL

Therefore when I went into the gravy location I had to figure out how to save it. Well, after a few minutes of negotiations and discussion with the right people it is saved. At least for the moment. This machine i use to support a missionary in Thailand who works to get little girls out of prostitution and into a safe home and train them to do a job and have a life outside of the sex trade. Anyway that was my hope. I give half to this ministry and really didn't want to lose it.

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