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AP Studio 2 Coils Spinning Backward

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Hello Everyone,

I recently changed out one of my spirals to place a different type of product in my AP Studio 2 snack machine.  When I came back a couple days later the product was pushed back to the back of the row.  The first error that came up was motor stalled.  I pulled out the tray and the product looked like it moved backward, not forward because the last item was crushed at the very back.  I got it out and tried to do a test vend and got a motor error on that selection.  After powering it down a few times and unplugging some connector to the keypad i got it to do a test vend but the spiral is going the opposite direction taking product back.  Anyone have any clue as to why it is doing this?  Thanks in advance for the help.

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I think you have the spirals mixed up. There are left hand spirals and right hand spirals. Every spiral should alternate between left  & right.  Try switching the 2 you are having problems with

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I will put the old one in tomorrow and see what it does.  What I noticed about this one was when uou put it on and twist to lock it into place, this one twists in the opposite direction to lock in. The others are clockwise this is particular row which is on the very far edge locks in counter...or it's vice versa. Thanks for all the advice guys! You knowledge is much appreciated! 

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