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Nayax “welcome not ready”


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We operate a milk vending machine that uses a nayax 3.6 amit with vpos. The card machine has been working intermittently since we purchased the vending machine. The system will initialise it’s starting sequence and before it can finish the vpos will go blank and then display welcome not ready. Then it will repeat this process until finally it will just  display “welcome not ready” then blank and then welcome not ready in a continuous loop. Both the vending company and Nayax cannot find an issue in either software or hardware with all timeout settings being correct. We have already replaced both amit and card reader to no avail. Signal strength isn’t the issue either with rssi over 24. The device used to connect and work perfectly if the whole system was shut down for half an hour before use, however this doesn’t seem to be the case. 

any help would be greatly appreciated

thank you 

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Sounds like a Nayax problem.  You might need to try another brand of card reader.  If both the machine and card reader have the latest firmware and your signal is good then you're stuck.  Is this a Wittern or USI machine?  Maybe an AMS?  I would ask both about updated firmware but that should have already been considered since you spoke with both.

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