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VN 7512i w/ tokens only

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I have a customer with an intermittent issue with VN 75121 mech.  Programmed to ONLY accept a specific token to vend on beverage.  Most of the time it operates just fine but sometimes refuses to accept a token and briefly gives an exact change message.  Any ideas?  I'm leaning toward an issue in the mech with regard to tube sensors status but I'd like to tap you guys opinions/experience.  

To be clear, the tubes are completely empty.  The accepted token equals a $20 vend. 

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Correction - I've just learned that the token is set as a "free vend" instead of a "value" based token of $20.  This is on a new GF9 and this same configuration of GF9 and 7512i is working very well in many other locations.   I'm not saying it can't be the board acting weird but does seem odd that "Exact Change Required" is the message when the token is rejected.  Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

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That was my initial thought as well but my customer was able to open and close the door to the machine and it started accepting again.  Replaced the control board and MDB harness just to feel like he's accomplishing something.   I guess we will see.   When he got to the machine today it was reading "please use exact change" but wouldn't accept. 

1 hour ago, AZVendor said:

The token being rejected is a coin mech tuning issue, so it probably needs to be re-tuned by a MEI repair depot.  


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I have had many coin mechs that wouldn't take coins, but then would work fine upon restarting the machine... to be followed at some unknown future date by a phone call saying the machine isn't taking change again.  I don't know the technicality of electronics like that but I am guessing that there's a weak component inside the mech that won't let the mech identify the coin properly.  Also, it seems necessary for tye machine to display exact change only because there isn't enough change available if it's empty.  I don't understand why it's not just set for free vend.  I'm assuming the employer gives tokens to employees and the employer buys those tokens back, but you could probably just audit the machine between services and get the same outcome.

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35 minutes ago, lacanteen said:

He should try putting a piece of painters tape on top of the nickel tube and one of the quarter tubes so the changer thinks it has change. 

7512s use sonar. Not tube sensors like the old 3 tube mechs.

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16 hours ago, AZVendor said:

Then he probably needs to run his TubeFil mode to properly count coins into his coin tubes after he empties them.

That's the fun part.  Since he's only using tokens as a vend credit instead of Value, all standard coins are disabled and there are no coins in the tubes.   

We went "shotgun" on it yesterday and replaced the board, mdb harness and mech.  Those 3 will be run on another machine with the door switch pulled so we can access the mech while it's in vend mode.  Hopefully, if the problem comes back, we can see if there's any message on the mech itself.  The vendor hasn't shown any error messages to date.  Definitely has me curious. 


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In that case, running only tokens with no cash, then George is probably right, you need to defeat the tube sensors.  But why not just fill the low value tubes with coins?  That should solve it.  Then as long as everything is free anyway, all of the prices can be set to match the value of the tokens and the coin mech will never need to pay change and will always be full to prevent "use coins only" messages.

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My issue is that this is one of about 50 machines that are all configured the exact same way.  The "exact change" message isn't the main issue but initially seemed to be part of the equation,  The primary issue is that it stops accepting tokens and I'm not certain this morning if the culprit is 2 flakey coin mechs in a row (possible  but very unlikely), my mdb harness or my board.  Hoping to nail that down in the next couple of days on the test machine.

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What are the prices in the machine compared to the token value?  They should be the same and then only about 15 coins need to be in the coin tubes but they must be put there through TubeFil to keep the MDB happy.  I'm thinking that there are variations in the tokens if retuning a coin mech doesn't solve the problem.  That would cause the higher reject rate.

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