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Well now it has changed again to 76. Can this be right?

This number is the "count of those that have logged on during the day". Unfortunately it is not the most online at the same time. That stat is coming.

Still tweaking........ :-[



When we look at the list of those that have logged on in the last 24 hrs what do the different colors mean?  Is there any meaning to the colors of the names?  I see black, grey, green, blue, etc.?



When we look at the list of those that have logged on in the last 24 hrs what do the different colors mean?  Is there any meaning to the colors of the names?  I see black, grey, green, blue, etc.?


Gray = member BASIC

Green = member PLUS

Red = member PREMIUM

Purple = member ELITE

Black = member EXTREME

Blue = Moderators

Orange = ME  :rolleyes:



I actually think we do (I'm often wrong!)  I've watched the numbers fluctuate wildly since the change. (as I'm posting this, it says 25 guests and 71 users but the high today was 105 an hour ago.)

Again, Steve would know better, but it sure looks like the numbers are showing what we think they are showing.



Look up at the top where it shows who has been on line.  It says this is for the last 1320 minutes or 24hrs.  So it is not showing how many were on at the exact same moment. 



OK, so I'm wrong (again!) :)

But all you've proven is this MAY not be the most online at one time!!!


Oh, and 1320 minutes is 22 hours, not 24. :)



You know I've been thinking there just weren't enough hours in the day.  Now I know why.  I'll bet I've been losing 2 hrs everday.  Man!   :rolleyes:




I completely understand. I've been losing around 11 hours every weekday for the past few years then often sleep at least that much each weekend day! While that's based on the 1440 minute day, it is still a heck of a lot of time lost!  ;)


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