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Help Upgrading Firmware or EPROM in AP LCM3


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Hi all,

I’ve just bought an AP Snackshop LCM3 and was told by the seller that it isn’t likely to be compatible with cashless devices.

I’m still waiting for the machine to arrive before I can test it myself with a card reader.

But in the meantime, does anyone know where I can get the latest firmware or an EPROM chip with the latest firmware that supports cashless? 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. 



Edited by SnackEmpire
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I've never seen that kind of door before.  It's not an AP door so is it an upgrade door from Vendors Exchange? Actually it's an LCM door with unrecognizable buttons and display.  The LCM display would be above the buttons and your buttons look like something from a USI machine.  An aftermarket board like from InOne Technologies will give you what you want.

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