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Vendo -Vending Issue

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Kinda hard to explain but let me try. I have a Vendo 276 machine. When you put coins in it vends fine but when you put dollars in it will vend a couple times no issues but then all of sudden it will vend 2 cans at once or free sodas. I replaced the coin mech and validator.  Still the same issue. All the vending cams are set for 2 deep.  Any help?

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Dixie Narco 276?  Or an extremely antique Vendo 275?   I’m going to assume DN 276; you can upload pictures if that helps.   Are all columns doing the same thing?   What sequence is this happening?   It won’t happen with coins? Or with coins as well?   Multi price or single price machine?   

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Check your motor switches on those three motors.  One or all are gummed up and not completing a vend and cancelling the credit when back at the home position.  It should actually cancel the credit when the motor starts running.  That or your motor brakes are gummed up.  In that case you would put some glass cleaner on the brake pivot points and then manually work the brake to clean up the pivot points so the brake works freely.

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It's the loose metal piece on the outside of the motor magnet.  When the motor energizes the metal lever will be pulled against the magnet which then releases the plastic pivot that catches the motor armature when it stops the motor.

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