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V570P - Sold out & jammed columns

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I have a V570P that has been sitting for a while. It cools nicely, but shows every selection as SOLD OUT. When I try to test vend, it does not seem like the motors are being powered in any way. There is no noticeable effort by any motor to turn, and I get "JC" on the display a few seconds after the test vend. I have taken one motor apart and the gears and vend bucket all move freely. I took the sold out switch apart and it is also clean and pristine. With 2-3 selections loaded to register they have product, it will not vend in any way. If its not corrosion, or a jammed product, where else should I be looking to fix this issue?


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JC is jammed column and if you drill down further it will tell you which columns are jammed.  Look at every motor to see which one has it's switch arms different than the others. Do you have product in at least one column to allow the machine to accept money? Why take motors and switches apart?  They aren't designed for that and now you have to replace them. 

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I took the motors and switches apart to check for corrosion. Since the machine had been sitting for a while, I thought maybe things had become seized up. Every single column indicates "JC" There is no jammed product and it does not seem as though it is trying to power any of the motors. If it is not the motor, or sold out switch, what else may be causing this issue? 

I did not take the motors completely apart, just enough to confirm that everything was moving smoothly and not seized. The sold out switches only have about 3 pieces internally and are very easy to inspect. They were also clean and corrosion free.

Is there a way to do a complete reset so it tries to power the motors and forgets that they are (supposedly) jammed?

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What you need to do is remove each motor by just pulling it loose from the front of the stack.  It's possible that your gate links are stuck on the rotors.  Make sure that the rotor doesn't spin free so pay attention to where it sits so you can put it back before you remount the motor. If a gate spins then rotate it clockwise while putting it back to the position it started in.  The plastic gate link behind the motor is what pushes the product gate closed to keep more than one row of product from jamming the rotor.  The gate links wear out and jam up.  If this is what has happened (each gate link will jerk free when released) then you are probably screwed because the last person looking for replacements, which are one of the most common things an old Vendo needs, they couldn't be found anywhere.)

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I have been through everything carefully, it seems like it is some signalling issue as opposed to mechanical. Everything is clean and in good shape. The gate link looks almost new. I honestly dont think there is anything mechanically wrong. It doesn't matter what I take apart, when I try to test a motor, it thinks for a few seconds and shows JC. Typically, if a selection was actually jammed, it will squeeze the product for a few seconds and then show jammed again, or when trying to test a motor, it will TRY to rotate and then show jammed if unable. There is no visual or audible indication that it is trying. 

Is it possible to do a factory reset to clear the board and start fresh?




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Check your wiring very carefully coming out of the motor cover to the logic board.  The purple wires are very fragile.  Also check for the output voltages from your power transformer that is behind the left compressor shroud. You might have a weak output voltage which does happen on them.  Lastly you'll need to replace the logic board which should be a V5.1 or a V5.2 if it's a Coke door.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I replaced the 5a fuse and it immediately blew when supplied with power. I have continuity on both sides of the wiring harness at the fuse. I followed the wired to the board and noticed component that looks like it is NFG. Can I replace just this item or do I need a whole new board? Is this likely to be my issue?



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