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Hey Guys,

I'm back on this again. Just to let you know we made $19.00 for 2 days worth of GB sales at a 2 day event. We just set up a GB head on my wife's table in her booth and people drop quarters into it. Those are good numbers....... (Too bad I can't hit those numbers with my route.) If you have events you are involved in and you can set up a machine there for a few days you can do OK an $5, $10 or more just for setting a machine on a table or in an area at a festival is worth it. Especially if its just sitting around collecting dust in the house, garage, shed, etc....... :)

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I do this at a few locations over the summer, events can be really money makers. I can easily do about 100$ over a long weekend at this one event that I attend and place a machine at a vendors booth, the best part is this is usually a few times a year.

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If one machine at a festival is good, 31 must be better.

To better service the event and festival market, someone is selling a trailer with 31 Beaver gumball vendors mounted on it. That's more machines than some Vendiscuss members have.

I posted a description and a link to the ad over in the Craigs List Deals forum: http://vendiscuss.com/forum/index.php?topic=7166.0

Here is the photo from Craigs List.

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