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Toys-1800 Coin Mech

Faith Vending

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One more concern on this topic. Vending 1" round caps in the modified 1800 gumball wheel. I have done all the fixes, taken out the riser, the large spring and opened the wheel. I still get misvends and sometimes the handle on the mech is hard to turn, to hard for a small kid to turn without help from an adult. I know, I witnessed this yesterday after servicing a rack. In theory the 1" toy cap is the size of a gumball and should vend with no modifications to the wheel, but not the case. I get no misvends on GB's but the occasional misvend on caps, modified wheel or not. My question why is the coin handle so hard to turn on one can but not the other two and if all the mods are done to the wheel why are there misvends on a 1" cap. Would it be better to take out the mixer arm as well? This is obviously a work in progress.

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It seems like there is tension on the caps inside the canister. The solid plastic wheels "push through" that tension and the spring agitators just flex, enough to not stir up the caps. Sometimes if the spring agitator or the solid agitator doesn't move the caps enough then it seems to mis-vend. I have also seen the "cap" of the capsule pop off and that creates some other headaches. The tension is what causes the wheel to be difficult to turn. I don't know what the best solution to this is. I was able to get the best results with the modifications that I made to the wheels. I do still see occasional mis-vends. The solid agitator seems to work better than the spring agitator.

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I was just working on this yesterday and spent some time with it. here is what i found.

Dont remove the springs because you can end up vending 2 at a time.

Definitely remove the riser. I think the holding up is from the tab/prong on the top of the gumball wheel.

I have a couple that had broken off so I tried that one of those and vended a 1" capsule 20 straight times without a misvend and it turns just fine

Good Luck!!

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I know someone posted this tip before but,  I will reemphasize it.  The gumball wheel needs to be opened ALL the way.  You will need to take the 3 set screws out, open the wheel as wide as it will get and make your own, new, set screw setting.  Remove large spring and riser.  In my experience this setup has worked well. 

Or, in most GB wheels, you can remove the top portion of the wheel.  The part that the 3 set screws lock down--the thin plastic disk that makes the holes larger/smaller.

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some of my 1800 coin mechs are a bit hard to turn too even when empty.I take apart the wheel assembly and clean and put back together but still hard to turn on 1 canister fixed the other.

I know it`s the canister or wheel because the coin mech works fine if I switch out a differant canister to that coin mech.

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I was wondering if you removed the agitator arm (if it is a spring) if that would help. I would think opening the wheel too much or removing the top portion you will vend more than 1 toy too much. This is for round caps not acorn; with acorn everthing needs to be opened wide and removed etc a whole different story.

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Another thing to check if you are getting mis-vends is, check to see if the wheel has all its teeth. If one or more break off it will miss a vend. I have used 800's for the last 2 years and I may have a couple of mis-vends but they work fine. I have also had mech's that are hard to turn. It always happens when I have gumballs in the canister for awhile. The sugar seems to get sticky around the wheel and the base. Once you take it apart and wash them with hot water, they are fine again.


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