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What kind of locks to use

Mikey B

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Hi gang,

I was wondering what kind of locks you guys use on your machines?  So far all of my machines are indoors.

I carry around 18 different keys for 20 different machines.  There are times when my wife and I want to leave town and will split up the route to get it done quicker, but it usually takes 50% longer that way due to her having to fumble the keys and I make sure I have the right ones with me and vise versa.

So I was searching ebay and ran across these high security locks

Are these any good?  or are they about the easiest locks to pick?  Like I said before, so far all my machines are inside, but I do have my eye on a couple outdoor locations also, So I would be ordering several extra.  One key, less trouble.  or would it be wise to have different locks keyed differently?


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You can also contact Vendors Exchange in Cleveland.  They can set you up with a code for your business.  That way all of your machines will have the same lock in them.  They will keep your code on file so you can order as many as you need when you need them.  I think the first order might have a min. number to order to get your code set up.  You can get regular locks or high security locks.


Blue Moose

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The company that I do all my lock business with is Wiczer Industries, give them a call and chat with them about what you want to accomplish, they have some of the best customer service I have ever experienced with any company.


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As you can see there are many companies to choose from. Just look at high security locks and get a registered lock. A registered lock means that the unique key that you get for your locks will be yours alone, thus eliminating the possibility of someone finding a key that works on your machines.

I use Locking Systems international 1-800-657-5625.

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