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issues with a dixie narco 501t

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the other day the "American" brand dbv on my soda machine wouldn`t` take dollars.I unplugged the dbv  and the next day plugged it in and it started working again,except when I put the dollar in it automaticly vend(ed?)a soda from the far left column 3 times.

today it did the same thing but from a differant column after I tested it.tonite I tested it again and it worked fine.the only things in common that I did was open the dbv up  for the dollars before it did this,even the 3rd time but it didn`t do anything out of the ordinary.the machine has a s 2 -d "brain.the dbv is a model 88 x 5011 "american".

what can I do to fix the issue?why does it do it only sometimes?what mars validator will fit this machine?thanks for the help.

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Sounds like the validator is a USA Ardac/Dixie. This shouldn't be causing your problems though. The validator merely sends a "i got the bill" signal to the coin mech which in turn should energize the vend relay. At this point your coin handling is out of the picture. What it sounds like to me is that you have some sticky switches. Usually it is the ones on the motors themselves. What I would try is to power off the machine. Remove the cover to the vend  motors and spray the motors and switches down with WD40. DO NOT use a silicone based spray or the likes of a PB blaster etc. I only recommend WD40 for this. Power up the machine and manually cycle your motors and watch them to be sure they are cycling properly. Button it up and test it out thoroughly.

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The 501T should be a single price machine. It will have a triple switch on the cam of the motors. Those are probably sticky as well as the armature brake on the motor. To manually advance the motors look at the cam, there will be one lever that should be located in the valley and a long lever on the outside of the cam. This is how it should look in standby. To advance the motor lift the lever out of the cam and the motor should start.

CAUTION: There is 110v at the motor and switches. Do not touch any bare wires while the machine is plugged in. Keep you fingers out of the moving armature and any moving parts.

This is not hard or dangerous. Just practice normal safety procedures.

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I sprayed the wd 40 on the 2 problom columns and tested the machine and it worked fine for now.I will now try to do what you said above.I have a mars 2411 model that they use for the megatouch touchscreen bar game,can I buy a harness and fit this dbv on the 501t?which harness would I need and can u sell it to me?

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I'd need to know what you have for a coin mech in the machine but your original validtor porbably is ok. Did you try it back in your machine?

If you are looking at the plug that the USA plugs into and it looks the same as your Mars do not plug it in. The USA and Mars plug look very similar but will only blow each other up.

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I think I solved the sticking problom.

I have issues with the piece of crap dbv.sometimes it takes the dollar a quarter of the way and spits it back out,sometimes half way and sometimes it takes it.I have 2 nice working mars 2411 just laying around that I would rather use and get rid of this piece of junk.

could you tell me what all you need to know in order to get the correct harness from you?I will take pics of everything if you need me to.

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the dbv is a dixie narco usa.it seems that usa is elevated to the 3rd,probably 3rd generation dbv.

model 88 x 5011.

the coin mech is a 24v mars.

I cant get u a pic unless I really have too, I didnt remember but my old computer doesnt take memory cards and my printers screen is out too.if I have to I can go to a friends house if u have to have a pic.

the harness comeing out of the s2-d "brain" ecu or whatever it`s called is an 8 pin but only 7 are used.it plugs in the dbv harness  which is a 12 pin but only 11 are used.there is a sticker on the harness that says 2 x 6136 hope this helps if not I will try to get pics downloaded tomorrow.

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Mars charts are showing the following:

VN2511-U5E or VN2311-U5E

Mounting Kit #250061011

I don't know exactly how that corresponds to your AE validator though Sorry  :-\

what do you mean by your last phrase?if I buy the mounting kit will it fit well on my dbv and machine or not?how much is it for that harness?
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The AE is for amusement machines.I haven't had a Mars AE but I had a Coinco MC2600 that was meant for amusement machines and if the customer didn't wait tli the machine showed a credit before making a selection then the machine would take the dollar and leave the customer mad.


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The AE is for amusement machines.I haven't had a Mars AE but I had a Coinco MC2600 that was meant for amusement machines and if the customer didn't wait tli the machine showed a credit before making a selection then the machine would take the dollar and leave the customer mad.


HMMM.I STILL WANT TO TRY  and adapt a harness to my dbv first before buying a whole new dbv.

TECHNIVEND:my other dbv is at my brothers house and I wont know exactly which model it is,I WILL LOOK INTO IT TO SEE IF IT A DIFFERANT MODEL.sry caps.besides what andersonvending says do you think there will be any other issues useing your harness with my dbv?

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I believe the big difference with the AE is that it can take a hugher denomination and can be setup for multiple pulses per dollar.

the dbv that is in the machine now takes only ones.all the selections are the same price.I am not sure if It would matter to have multiple pulses or not.as it is you can only put one dollar in and then have to select an item before adding more money.

so even if everything stays as is and I just have the mars doing the job instead of the piece of junk thats in the machine I`ll still be ahead.

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the dbv that is in the machine now takes only ones.all the selections are the same price.I am not sure if It would matter to have multiple pulses or not.as it is you can only put one dollar in and then have to select an item before adding more money.

so even if everything stays as is and I just have the mars doing the job instead of the piece of junk thats in the machine I`ll still be ahead.

Just be sure you set it to one pulse per dollar or you can set up a $4.00 credit for every dollar inserted.

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Just be sure you set it to one pulse per dollar or you can set up a $4.00 credit for every dollar inserted.

now I remember what you mean.so is the harness that you have going to work?the pulses are probably going to be the same since it gave 4 credits for a buck on the  game ,otherwise I think its just a switch on the dbv.

will it give the quarter change back since it is set up 75 cent a can?that would be something else and not the dbv that tells it to give change back so I am thinking yes.

where do I order it from?

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the pulses are probably going to be the same since it gave 4 credits for a buck on the  game ,otherwise I think its just a switch on the dbv.

Should be just a switch setting

will it give the quarter change back since it is set up 75 cent a can?that would be something else and not the dbv that tells it to give change back so I am thinking yes.

You are correct

where do I order it from?

The numbers I gave you are Mars numbers. Do you have a Mars distributor you work with?

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since you helped me I wanted to give you the business.

I do appreciate this. Unfortunately, these items are not stock items for us and it would probably be cheaper and easier for you getting them from your local guy.

Just remember us when you are rich and famous  ;)

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it has been raining non stop for days here and water found its way in my vendo 669 m and m machine.the dbv seems to work only when it wants too.sometimes it taKEs the dollar and when you make the selection it spits it back out.while messing with it sometimes it wont work at all.it has a mars 2511 in it.I changed it out for a 2411.I put a dollar in it and like you said technivend it gave $4 in credits.thing is when I push the selection nothing hapens.it just zeros out the credits.

when I flip the dip switch so it gives $1 in credits the dbv wont work anymore.what can I do?

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I don't have a listing for that actual validator interfacing in that machine. Mars does list in moost Vendos either a short pulse or MDB interface. The stock AE should be short pulse unless it was changed via coupon programming. Based on the install guide http://www.meitechnical.com/mei-files/files/access-public/documentation/installation-guides/250057042_g9_ae2400_installguide.pdf it looks like switches 1,2 and 4 should do it.

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thanks again for your help technivend.it seems though that the 2411 is not a compatible replacement(unless I misunderstood) for the 2511 because of the time in milliseconds it takes to give pulses or something along those lines.I sniped a 2511 for 90 bucks shiped to me. unless something is wrong with the new dbv I got it should just be a plug and play correct?

thanks again for all your help.your knowledge is a great asset to this board

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