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Account for sale


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I e-mailed this guy to ask what was his net profit per month and would he finance. H responded with $200-$400 net per month. Why couldn't he be more specific on the net? And he will only take cash. Seem a little high for an asking price ($5000).

Would you try and talk him down? Find out if he has record to show his net income per month?

Should I just walk away?

Any thoughts or advise?


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If you can get him down a little bit on this is looks like a decent account in terms of equity. I would ask for book keeping records and if he can not present them I would make sure you go with him to service the route several times to verify the money coming from the machines. Also make sure you test all of the machines to make sure they are in fact 100% operational. I would kick at him to see how he might consider as a cash offer.

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On the net it all depends on COGs.  He is providing 3 different  services at one location and based on vending prices it could vary.  If its a cold day, there would be more sales from the coffee machine.  If its a hot day you would have less sales in hot drinks and more sales in the cold drink machines. 

Also, the location may have more foot traffic during certain seasons/ parts of the year.

Its more of a gamble than anything.

As for me, for the last 3 weeks I have been trying to make up my mind on weather I want to purchase an 8 stop 8 machine mechanical route or not.  For the gross, the seller says " each week we average 50-120 dollars per machine."

I still have more questions for him ex. financing etc, but don't want to get his hopes up too much and then I just walk away.

Sorta like, someone asking 50 million questions and you are thinking, "well are you gonna buy it or not!!!!"  I don't want him to start thinking that.

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Sorta like, someone asking 50 million questions and you are thinking, "well are you gonna buy it or not!!!!"  I don't want him to start thinking that.

Why not? If you are give him your hard earned $$ you have the right to ask as many questions as you want.. If he can't or won't answer your questions then he risks your walking away.

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I still have more questions for him ex. financing etc, but don't want to get his hopes up too much and then I just walk away.

Why wouldn't you want the sellers hopes to get high? And why wouldn't you do all of your due diligence at once to save time?

A motivated seller is a good thing IMO. :)

If you walk away, you walk away. No sweat. After all, it's YOUR $$$ on the line. You should not buy until you are completely satisfied. I realize not every deal will be golden, but at least know of you're going to be in the running for it....

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