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saw another bulk vendor today....


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I was at my local dollar tree today in seymour, IN. the guy comes in to service the bulk rack there. I noticed he came from quite a ways away, he had an ohio plate on his van. I didn't talk to him, as some have said that some vendors are very anti-vendiscuss, but it had me wondering if he was a member here or not. Anyone visit seymour today?

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No, they just don't like Steve. :D

That's ok. I am very well adjusted and I just absolutely LOVE myself!  ;D

I too have wondered if I unknowingly have come into contact with other members. Most of our members do have "jobs" so you never know when you go to the supermarket or the bank. etc.

I've also stuck some VENDiscuss cards on various machines and other places that I visit. Each time I see a machine, a VENDiscuss card stays with it.

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Old school vending operators feel you learn by doing and making mistakes.  This forum prevents a whole lot of people from making mistakes and some of the information shared here is really very valuable business data. 

Blue Moose

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Does 15 years make me old skool?  lol 

I see other vendors from time to time and i always strike up a conversation with them.  I like to know who they are and accounts they have what sells etc.  I have become friends with some of them over the years we even help each other out from time to time.

When see another out there say hi

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