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Applebee's location


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I figured I would start a new topic about my 1st ever location. I got it from kickstart  in one day, a single @ Applebee's. I went in @ 2pm this afternoon and introduced myself, the manager I was suppose to speak with wasn't in but the manager I spoke with was very nice. I told her who I was and that I had the requested vending machine, would she like me to place it right there, as I pointed to a spot right next to the entry door. She said that would be an excellent place :). I went out and brought it right in and set it smack in the front lobby were people sit while waiting to be seated, I was so excited and a little nervous! I told her I would be back in a couple of weeks to check on it and to have a pleasant day. I stuck with my polarmint setup, kind of took a chance but in the end I think that product should do well if the machine stays were it is( I hope no corporate manager comes in and doesn't like it there). I will keep you all posted when I make my first check on it.

By the way-how long would you guys wait before checking a brand new location like this, 2,3 weeks?

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Congrats. I have 2 Applebees locations - both in the back for the emps instead of the front however. You'll be happy - one does $24/mo and the other does $71/mo.

I always check back in 1 week for new locations and then decide what schedule to put them on (2-6 weeks) depending on how much $ is there.


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WOW, I need Rob to get me one of these :)

I purchased 11 Restaurant locations from KickStart (KS) Rob and just placed most of them.  No national name brands like Apple Bees, but I will have to wait and see how they do.  Four are Asian restaurants, one hispanic groc store, one butcher shop, (not realy restaurants but will see how they do), one small local pizza place, One buffet Mom and Pop, two refusals, and one problem location. 

I am waiting on one manager to be in to except the machine and have two of the Asian locations that I will be stopping by this weekend.

Steve Griswold

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the only problem I see, is they picked a specific product, and that's not what you delivered. if you want to stick to specific products, tell your locator such, and they wont give them the option to pick those items. I have done this, and it works fine.

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Yeah, after the location was found is when I realized this error I had made. I spoke with Rob and he said to bring the Polarmint in because it shouldn't be a problem, and hopefully it won't. I personally think the polarmint gum was a good fit in the sitting area there. From here on out my bar and restaurant locations will be for polarmint gum.

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you need to go with a 5 way rack or spiral and stickers in there.  I hope your not in there with a charity if you are it will be short lived because they have a comm program.

100% agreed.  Rob sells charity.  If it's by the front the door, they will want comm.

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This particular Applebee's had a small little area in the front, no room for a rack. I'm the only machine their, a single. Hopefully it will stay a while but if they move me to the back I'll take that. I just hope they don't kick me out all together. I will keep you all posted.

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I couldn't help myself. I went by my Applebee's this morning because its right around the corner from my part-time job. I just looked in the window to see, and my machine was right were we put it sitting pretty. It's only been 5 days so I'll wait another week to actually check it. 

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I couldn't help myself. I went by my Applebee's this morning because its right around the corner from my part-time job. I just looked in the window to see, and my machine was right were we put it sitting pretty. It's only been 5 days so I'll wait another week to actually check it.   

I wish I could have a large display on the wall showing all my locations including not only the current view but vends to date, vends since last service, and vends remaining before refill needed. Just wishing though. I think I'll turn off the computer and spend the day working on refurbishing.

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