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I Have Old Machines Still Working For Me...............


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Going through my expanded routes the past 6 weeks, I have encountered racks of NW machines that are on location for up to 25 years!  I find that amazing.  There is this pizza joint that I serviced the other day.  The manager and I got to talking.  He told me that the 5 rack that was there has been in place for a little over 25 years.  The old style NW 80 machines are like tanks.  Heavy and built very well.  I love them.  The NW 60s are made to last forever it seems.  I can just imagine the condition of other brands of machines after that much time.

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I would pay between $80 and $100.  $150 is way too high for a used TriplePlay.  I bought two brown ones on e bay for like $70 each.  They needed some refurbishing but it did not cost that much.  They are out making me money.

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