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Chicken or egg question


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Get machines first and stands

You risk losing a location if your order is incorrect or if shipment delayed. (Had a 2 wk delay on stands I ordered recently---my order got "misplaced").  If I already had locations, I feel I would have most likely lost them.

Ginger Vend

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My initial hunch would be to get the machines. I honestly don't think it would matter if you are for sure going to buy them anyway. I guess it would also depend on the number of machines you are dealing with. 2 or 3.... get the machines. 50 or 100 (how big is your garage?):D

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Well let me add my quarter to this. I am no longer expanding, or trying to expand, at the rate that most of you are but when I was, I liked to always keep about 5 machines prepped and ready for duty at all times. That way there wasn't a huge amount of capital tied up in unplaced machines but I did have enough of them available at a moments notice to place should I need to. As all of us know, finding locations isn't the easiest thing to do. 5 machines to me seemed like a good buffer to accommodate the shipping lag time.

I would then just order "replacements" for the ones that I placed. If I placed 3 machines one day, I would order 3 machines. It really depends on how successful you are in locating. If you are fortunate enough to place 10 machines a week then obviously you need to keep more machines on hand. If you plan to place 1 machine per week, all you really need is 1 or 2 on hand at all times.

Try not to think of it as "I need to place what I have available" but rather "let me manage the number of machines I have available". You rotate your stock of candy and your machines should be no different. As one goes out on location you need to bring one in (preferably from the manufacturer, not from a kick out! :D) to replace it. 


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I was thinking the same thing, but then what if you buy the machine and it takes you a week or 2 to find a good location. You've spent the money too early, so which is worse?


I like my "security blanket" of knowing I have the machines ready to roll and will not get myself in a pinch.  I only buy a few at at time so I don't have a lot of money "tied up" at once.
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Steve's Plan is excellent, and is exactly what I plan to do once I get several locations, but for right now, I have tossed around the idea so much that my arms started hurting.

As of right now, when I'm ready to purchase again,  I have decided to get the machines placed, and if I can get 3 placements, I'll go ahead and order 5 machines, so at least a portion is  placed from the start.  The same goes for if I find 6 or 7 locations, I'll go ahead and purchase 10 at one time.  I will always tell them that the machines being placed will be new, and may take a week or two for delivery.  

That's just me, but until I can afford to have an investment setting idle for longer than 3 or 4 days, that's what my game plan will be.

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I am going to take advantage of this suggestion also.  I am going to make it a point to ALWAYS have a few spare machines at the ready in case I have problems with machines on location.  For me? Changing out a coin mech or something like that is major cause I am not great with fixing and stuff.  So replacing a machine is the easy remedy and then taking the jammed machine back to my storage area and fixing it at my leisure will work best.

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