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repair issue 784 crane

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having a cooling issue on this combo machine, crane suggested replacing the mother board, but im not so sure...(tech) wasn't convincing...when i go into the computer manually i can adjust the temp..but the actual temp will not drop  and it reads that the temp is somewhere in the 40-50 degrees depending on howlong i'm messing with it....

anyway  I tried a triac board..did same ... is there a way I can replace thermostat with a manual one, umm think it is 24v to the triac

...anyone , anyone, ideas?

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  • I am not 100% sure with the actual circuit n the 784 but most Crane equipment has a "." after the temperature to show that the board is calling for that circuit. But you need to check the cooling circuit before ordering boards.

  • Is the machine against the wall? This machine has the inlet and outlet for air in the back.
  • Is the rear screen clean?
  • Does the compressor ever shut off? ( you can check this with a single piece of toilet paper. Put the toilet paper against the inlet screen on the machine and it should be sucked in. If it falls the temp was satisfied and we look at controls. If not more then likely it is refer issue)
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I assume you have opened it up to make sure the coil is not frozen over. I have had problems with the vend doors not sealing up good and sucking air and then the coil freezes over. I would also check the wires to the triac board closely. i had one to get eatin up by spilled soda in the bottom of the machine (that was a tough find)

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