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White Castle?


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I never noticed any in white castle restaurants before. I was watching undercover boss on tv and they were doing an article on white castle. When the big shot from white castle went into one of there restaurants right in the entrance was a big rack. Just wondered if anyone on here has locations in white castles?

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I had a white castle with a triple head charity machine..lasted bout a week and got a call from a regional manager telling me to pickup ASAP as it will be sitting in back of the resturant until pickup..id  be eager to know if anyone else has a white castle..

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I saw that too. It looked like it was adorned with White Castle logos or custom stand. I first thought they are doing it themselves. West Coast vend has offered companies to customize the set ups to look like the company built them. So maybe someone has scored with the company and got the account! One could go full time real quick with an account like that!

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I used to love White Castle when I lived up north. All we have down here is Krystal which is not nearly as good.  The food at White Castle will kill you, but it sure puts a smile on your face while you eat it.

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I had a white castle with a triple head charity machine..lasted bout a week and got a call from a regional manager telling me to pickup ASAP as it will be sitting in back of the resturant until pickup..id  be eager to know if anyone else has a white castle..

Corporate franchises and charity machines in the public area of the store usually do not mix and do not last!  Those regional or corporate guys can be real jerks.  Either put the machine in the kitchen for the employees or place a rack on commission in those types of places.  However, sometimes you can "hide" (or even slam) a single head gumball in those kind of places for a while.


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