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1" round capsules


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Anyone have a list of all sites selling round 1" capsules?I am looking for something that would sell good to school kids in a more ghetto environment. These will be going in a shootin hoops so they need to be round.

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Actionmatic has the best selection of toys in round caps.  They do a weekly drop ship with UPS every Friday to save on shipping.  However, you may just want to start out with superballs first since that is your cheapest toy item.  Also consider the sticky mix as well, a very consistent seller with all demographics at a reasonable price.  I love those round caps since they really cut down on the mis-vends and minimizes owners getting upset over refunds.  Even my junk mix is 2/3 round and 1/3 acorn.


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Ghetto?  Try bullets.  One per cap.

I can see it now:


Put quarter in machine

Take out capsule

Open capsule

Take out bullet

Put bullet in gun



Put quarter in machine...

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Ghetto?  Try bullets.  One per cap.

I can see it now:


Put quarter in machine

Take out capsule

Open capsule

Take out bullet

Put bullet in gun



Put quarter in machine...

Get one of those metal coin dispensers for your belt and make it a semi-auto.
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Ghetto?  Try bullets.  One per cap.

I can see it now:


Put quarter in machine

Take out capsule

Open capsule

Take out bullet

Put bullet in gun



Put quarter in machine...

That is some funny golpher! ;D

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