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Whatever happened to DSIMMS?  Surely everyone that was around this previous summer remembers him.  I took a break from the forums after I stopped working the overnight shifts (since I was no longer on the internet all night) and now notice that he hasn't been active since October.  Any specific reason why he quit visiting the forums?  He was a pretty funny guy.

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LOL, yeah, after promising he wouldn't disappear, he did the following...

1) Made 80,000 posts

2) Refused to listen to anyone and specifically ignored advice and then complained when things didn't work out for him

3) Constantly complained about how much $ everything cost - which was because of #2

4) Disappeared :)


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That's OK.,

I'm sure there will soon be a CL or eBay ad in Minnesota for... "Several bulk candy machines for sale.  Huge earning potential, already located at fantastic locations, these machines make tons of money!!!  No time, my loss is your gain.  Bought new for $450, yours for only $150/each.    ;D

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I can tell you read craigslist like I do  LOL I check it daily and seen someone today trying to sell a double head,, looked like silent sales force and he wanted $250.00  I felt kinda bad for them. I do remember dsims though its ashame he didn't make it.

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