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53 vendstar 3000's


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I found this add. Any thought... I think he want too much myself. I think he was a victum of the biz op.

53 triple head candy machines placed , 1 day a month can handle this route with no problem. Will pay for itself in a year or 2 tops. Extra monthly income for just 5-6 hours a month. High profit. 75% The machines are all in good condition. Vendstar 3000 machines All candy inventory and extra parts for machines goes with it. The machines are easy to fix and rarely have a problem. The machines cost $300 each new and the locations cost me $3000 to get a professional locator to come in. Machines have all been placed since Jan. 2009 Total value if you were to buy the machines and have them placed $20,000 You could buy the machines on ebay for $4000 to $5000 and then it would cost you $2000 to $3000 to get them placed but I have already done the hard work and got the business setup. $6500 buys the business and all you need to do is take 1 day a month to pick up the cash. We will work with you the first month til you learn the route.

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I emailed him.

I see you have 53 machines. Do you have 53 locations or are there some locations with more than one machine. What was last years gross income and can it be verified? What products are you selling in them? How much product comes with the sale?

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This was his responce to my questions...

There are a couple locations with 2.  Last years gross was approx. $5000  (cannot verify)  Some months do $350 and as high as $700-$750

I sell  about 9 different things.  M&M Plain and Peanut, Hot Tamale, Mike&Ike, gum, pucker ups, 2  kinds of peanuts, reeses pcs., skittles.

I usually go to Sam's Club and buy enough for the month.  I have some stock but not much.

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He got biz-oped. His numbers about price estimation on ebay are a lie. He claims "value" of machines + locations when he is actually speaking of cost. He can not verify his collections, and says the route would be paid off in 1 to 2 years, but even if you accepted his claim of revenue, since you'd be paying from the net it would take well over 2 years (at least 2 and a half assuming 0 kick outs, and 0 machine issues--and vendstars do break, I only have 10 and it's happened twice in the first 6 months). He was the victim of a biz op, but it's no reason to throw good money after bad. Keep in touch to find out if he finds a sucker to take his deal. He also says 53 locations (apparently some locations count twice) can be serviced in 1 day. That is also a blatant lie. In short, he's full of crap on everything you can verify, so it's safe to assume he's BSing about the other things to. I understand he was a victim, but now he's trying to pass the crime onto someone else.

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An average of 7.86 a month per machine.....$2.62 a month per head....maybe offer $2000 and sell all of the machines one at a time on eBay for $50 a piece.

I agree. He is in way over his head. Those 53 machines are spead out in 2 countys. How can you get to all those locations in one day :huh: ???

I stand corrected... He says 5-6 hrs to service the whole route.

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Never pay more for a machine & location than it would cost you to do it yourself.

Example: $6500 for 53 vendstars on location = $122 per machine/location

Why pay that price?

You can do it yourself for less than $122 per machine/location.

You can buy used vendstars for LESS than $50 then pay approx $50 per location through a locator.

Since you can't trust that this guys product is fresh, you'll be buying fresh product regardless of which way you go.

Plus, With reputable locators you get a kick-out clause, right of refusal on locations, AND discounted replacements for up to 2 yrs. None of these benefits come with the locations/machines you get if you buy this route.

Pass on this deal or at least make sure you're paying A LOT less than $100 per location/machine...A LOT LESS.

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17 of his machines are right in my area so I contact him and ask some questions about breaking up the route he says I can have the 17 in Monroe for 2K I said would he take me on the route to look then we could make a decision. He has not answered in 2 days  LOL the first question he answered right away at 7:00 am  maybe I will just do some research maybe he was the guy with a totally empty vendstar at a mexican restaurant in Maybe MI.

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LMAO!!! The ones in Monroe are the ones I was interested in too... I asked him if he baught the machines new or used and he hasn't responded back to me. lol. 17 locations for $2000!!! He has lost his mind  :o

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