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Time spent online


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I am slowly slipping down the list (currently in 5th place) of members who spend the most time on the board.

I can't imagine anyone spending more time on here than I do but there are 4 others! You guys ROCK!

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Yeah I hear you man.  Ever since I joined this forum I have been addicted.  I come on here sometimes 5 times a day haha.  My dad cut off the internet cause he was mad about me going to sleep so late and waking up so late.  I'm so crazy aboutt vending thats like all I think about sometimes.  Especially the spiral big gumball machines haha.  Just wishing I had some more then 1. 

Speaking of big gumball machines, Do you guys know how much revenue they generate a month for some of the 4 of 5 foot tall ones like the roadrunner?  I have still yet to place mines but I will soon.

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I log on and sometimes don't log-out. My housekeeper (who is bilingual and is intensively learning English) gets a kick out of the posts here on vendiscuss. She is around our business constantly and she can't wait until Diane and I get back from our trips to 'explain what she has learned'. If anyone out there in NorthAmerica needs a telephone locator who is bilingual, I can turn you onto her. She just has to be the most passionate person I know in vending around my house. She writes phrases(usually slang) down in her little notebook and stays overtime for me to explain what they mean in espanol. Be careful what you say....she is a very cute 22 year old...but very naive.

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