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Going Green?

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I have a proposal due next week for a company that is "going green". For OCS I have the recycled cups, napkins, and wooden stirs. For vending I'm thinking energy star drink machine, LED lighting, and possibly using the vending miser.

Has anyone ever used the vending miser? Where you happy with it?

Does anyone else have any other green vending or OCS ideas they would like to share?



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I offer to set up a bin next to the bev machine for recycling cans.  Found a good looking leaf bag w/stand on Amazon and insert a clear plastic bag in it.  Some a/c want me to handle the recycling, some do it themselves.  Hauling the bag away once every couple of months is no big deal.  I also let a/c know that expired snacks are "recycled" to a local men's shelter.  Again, throwing the expired product into an empty chip box and dropping it at the shelter takes all of 15 minutes a week while I'm on my route.

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