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Fleet Vending


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I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. This has been a growth month for me, picked up 3 new locations with only one being serviced so far on the first 2 week service. These are all charity locations.

Barber Shop: $56- 5 weeks- Triple with PMM's, Skittles, Gumballs. Nice location, but I always have to go fix the machine, it gets abused quite a bit.

Taco Shop: $33- 4 weeks- Double head- Gumballs/Superballs. Not the greatest part of town, but the folks are nice and they take care of my machine like its their own. Its always cleaned when I get there lol.

Italian Rest.: $26-4 weeks- Double head- Gumballs/Superballs. This machine would do better if they didn't lay the "Nickel Classifieds" on top of it all the time.

Taco Shop: $102-3 weeks- Single head- Superballs. This is the biggie. Had it since June, had to put it on a 3 week rotation because it was empty every time I serviced it. I would upgrade, but there's already 2 other double heads in there with candy in them, not sure what that guys thinking in a food establishment. At some point I'd like to try gumballs for the margins, but why mess with what works right now.

Auto Shop: $6.50-4 weeks- Single head- PMM's. Have I mentioned how much I hate Auto shops? The machine is always dirty and hardly used. This one is getting pulled as soon as I have a place to put it.

Taco Shop: $20- 2 weeks- Single head- Gumballs. Love the taco shops. People are always nice and they have quarters in their pockets. Looks like a definite upgrade in the near future. Hope the numbers continue on the 4 week service.

Still have a few more locations to do before the end of the month, plus the 2 week service a couple of new ones. A sandwich shop and another Italian place. All of these locations were found by kickstart.


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What area of the country are you in?  That Taco place is a gold mine.  We have found sucess in the $40-50 range with candy and gumballs at a few locations.  We have been considering toys, and this certainly makes me want to move in that direction.  Is it a 50 cent or 75 cent vend?

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I'm in central california. In general California is pretty saturated, but I've found my area to be alright. As far as product, I'm trying to keep my selections to a minimum. Candy in places that don't serve food, gumballs and bouncy balls in places that do. It simplifies my product ordering and makes servicing pretty easy I find. Perhaps in the future I'll do toys, but right now if I have a bunch of gumball locations doing 30 or 40 dollars a months, that ok by me lol.


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Most of our restaurants are going to be switched to bouncy balls in about 60 days in one of the two heads,  We plan to still vend at a quarter for a while,  because of the additional investment into new mechs.  I vend candy next to a guy that sells 2" Superballs for .75, and according to the owner, he blows through about half a machines worth every two weeks.  That's money I want to start putting in my pocket.  

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