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Average cost per machine


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I've got a couple of questions on this topic

I know it will be different for everyone but  what range should this be in?

Is it heads only or are you guys counting stands,brackets ,and racks also?

I'm at 44.58 on heads only and 57.40 on everything.

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There are so many machines available here, that we tried things a little differently.  We bought a group of 100 machines 75 Vendstars, and 30 Shopvend triples.  We sold the 75 machines for far more than we paid and kept the 30 Shopvend's.  Those thirty cost nothing.  The original machines we purchased for our route ran us $19 a piece after weeding out the junk/ spare part machines.  We currently are averaging $6.95 a machine including two heads and a stand.  I have it broken down on my spreadsheet to show the ones we paid for and the ones we did not, and I am tracking it by individual machine along with locator, commission, charity costs, to determine lifetime revenue on the machines before and after product cost.

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I've been startled at my entry thus far with respect to finding good deals on machines. I have 8 bulk candy machines: 2 triple vends and 6 Uturns. My average price is $52 per, even including the 8-selection U-turn. I just recently picked up a Seaga manual snack vendor and soda machine for $175 for both. So, with 10 machines, even snack and soda machines, I have less than $600 invested, and once they're placed (fingers crossed) I'm primed to make up that investment in 4-5 months?

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