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Oak Wheels


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I keep having problems with my Oak wheels.  They are new wheels and brushes.  If you keep jiggling the handle some candy will trickle out.  Not always but most of the time.  I know it is coming from the next vend in the hopper but it is really bugging me.

They do not have a mark on them like the NW's do so should I line them up some other way? Bin lined up with the hopper opening or something different?  Need some help here.


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put a small amount of candy in (just enough to fill the portioner) set it to where you think it should be. turn the knob and see if some comes out, if it does make an adjustment. I am not saying to do this on each one, just figure out the position you need to set it at on one of the machines you have at your house, and set them all up that way.


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