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Oak .05 and .10 mechanism changeover


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I bought ten 5 and 10 cent mechanisms for Oaks on Ebay.  I then bought some .25 coin wheels from A&A.  I just wanted to see if they would convert over easy. 

The parts interchanged well enough but when the quarter went around it would always get stuck and jam up.  After several attempts, I figured out what the problem was.  I took some pictures figuring this might help some others.

Here is a picture of each back plate before modification  http://

The screwdriver is pointing to the piece on the back plate that was preventing the quarter from ejecting.

These pictures show each back plate after I modified them.http://

The last picture is the flat file that I modified them with.

If you have to do this just be careful and do not file all of it off.  If you do then it is possible for the quarter to continue around and give multiple vends.

Cost for modifying each mechanism is $1.24( A&A # C42-225 Coin Wheel .25) 


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That's weird.  At one time I purchased 2 25c upgrade kids from oak and I used them to upgrade from 10c to 25c and I had no problems.  It's weird that you had problems with it.

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