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Coinstar - SIgh


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Hiya All :)

I was at our local Kroger today.  I checked out the bulk machine in the entrance.  Coinstar owns them :( 

I found this on their site:  http://www.coinstar.com/US/WebDocs/A3-2-8

I know there's room for everyone in this business, but with their cash, I can see prime locations being sucked up by them or some other large company. 

Am I wrong?  Or just paranoid LOL

Just saying....



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I think coinstar sold *all* of their bulk machines. I bet whoever bought them (google it, it'll tell you) left CS's name on the machines.

CS is making HUGE money right now with Redbox.....they aren't going to bother with bulk!


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If redbox doesn't quit overcharging customer credit cards they will go sooner.  They settled here in TN.  A $1 rental and customers being charged as if they bought the movie.  Nutz.

As for coinstar.  Who can keep up with buying/selling they're doing.-  I can't.

Still though with their contact info on the machines  it leaves no real way to check the true owner.  But I'll still give it a go.



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I've got a concept to compete with Coinstar's Redbox. I'd start a BluRay vending business and call it "Blubox." Of course a concept like that would cost a tremendous amount of money. I suppose I'll just have to file it away with my other ideas. 

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Nice idea but blockbuster beat you to it

They have big blue machines like redbox but also vend bluray for $2 instead of $1 for the regular.

I have not seen them back here in maine but they were in florida, in some of the Publix stores along side of a redbox

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I think they are already doing this because The Blind Side won't be available till like 4/22.  But there are enough old ones I enjoy watching, Porkey's is one of my next ones to be delivered.  Its hilarious but definitely not kid friendly.

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I agree with Beergut.  The availability of a movie on demand at home is much more appealing to me than standing in line hoping the movie I want to rent isn't being rented by one of the nine people in front of me.

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