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How long should you keep slow locations?


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I am just starting out but I was wondering when you have a poor performing location how many months are you willing to leave it in service before you move it?  I have only been doing doing full line one month and one of my locations only did $52.00 gross for one month.  I will keep it on location but not sure if I should move it soon or let it sit for a few months and stretch out the service intervals to once every 4-5 weeks.

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If you own the equipment on that location, I would move it after one month as soon as I have a new 'home' for it.  I would only consider keeping it if it was 3rd party equipment, or if you think the location will turn around for some reason.  For example I have a Public Works location that does horribly in the winter, but triples its sales during the summer when they hire lots of free spending teenagers to clean up the parks.    Talk to the location owners and find out if there are changes in the future that might help business and give you a reason to keep it.  If not, I would seriously consider moving it to the next location that I find.  For me, the cutoff is $20 gross/ week.  Anything under that figure is subject to move after one month of income.  Others might suggest longer time periods, but I think that is enough to 'prove' or not prove a location.    In the meantime, it may take a while to find a new home for the equipment, if the location picks up during that time, then don't move it, otherwise move it.

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You can limit throwouts by short filling columns and putting in more items that have a longer expiration date. Chex Mix, Gardettos, Cheez-it, Bugles, Hot Fries, TGIF and popcorn are all items with an expiration date at least 2X longer than Frito-Lay products.

As others have said, keep it there until you find a new home, that way you won't have to hassle with moving it twice.

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