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Thik I'll see what happens


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so who watches him while you nap? The fact that I have to watch my daughter while on my weekend greatly inhibits my ability to place machines. Am very lucky my brother/partner has excelled in this area.

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:'( No placements today. My son got up. Since  I am pretty much the sole care giver AUG-MAY. I do what i can when he is asleep.

In 14 days  my wife will be home for summer (school teacher) So then if i don't have nay out maybe i can do better. I sure hope so

Not givning up. Gotta do it


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You posted "not giving up" in your post.

But, I sense a little disappointment and shaken confidence in your words.

Don't sweat it.

Here is some personal advice given your situation.

You are only able to locate part time because of your child.

DO NOT assess your success/failure on a daily basis.

Much like someone trying to lose weight is told NOT to get on the scale every day -- you should not evaluate your locating performance daily.

Evaluate your performance weekly instead.

Don't look at today and think, "No placements today".

Instead just worry about going into your next opportunity to locate with a positive attitude.

Don't get too high after a good week and don't get too low after a bad one.

And a bad week doesn't mean something is wrong. Just try to improve where you can.

By doing so, you will string together more good weeks than bad weeks and you will be fine.

Just like that dieting person and their scale  - it's impossible to gauge your progress when you grade yourself daily.

Evaluating your progress so frequently will only bring your mood and confidence down in most cases.

Don't do that to yourself.

Remember that it's not the hundredth blow of the hammer that breaks a rock...it's all the blows combined, 1 through 100, that breaks a stone. Keep pounding the rock.

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