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Capsule wheels for uturn?


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From what I have heard, they are $15 ea from U Turn if you bought your machines from them or $30 ea if you did not. Looks pretty simple to change, only 4 screws to remove. I have some on order and will be installing soon.

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Yea, don't you just love those people at Uturn?

First, they way overcharge for the machines to unsuspecting newbies.

Second, they push those 8-selects (which are usually overkill) on to unsuspecting newbies.

Third, they steer the unsuspecting newbie down the candy path which is usually the worst seller.

Forth, they never tell the unsuspecting newbie that only 2 or 3 candies will sell and the others will sit and go stale.

Fifth, they gouge everybody on replacement parts and charge double to "non customers".

One could call this is a horribly tragic situation here.

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