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What should our rating scale be named?  

  1. 1. What should our rating scale be named?

    • Quarters
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    • Rating
    • Karma
    • Gumballs
    • Profitable Vends

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As you have probably noticed, We have a rating system here on the boards that allows each of us to "rate" other users. We should all take advantage of this system and provide positive ratings to those who deserve it.

One change in the rating system will be the name. Right now it is set to the default name of "mana". I would like to know what you guys think would be an appropriate name for this rating scale. I have come up with a few names that I would like your input on. If you can think of a good name that is not on this list please suggest it.

This poll will run for a while until a suitable name is decided upon.

Thanks for your support! 

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