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Faith Vending

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Faith Vending last won the day on February 13 2011

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About Faith Vending

  • Birthday October 11

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  1. Can I get into the Vendiscuss Pro Mike. Thanks.


  2. Wanted to order some labels; should I go thru the website? Thanks

  3. I put trail mix on "Do Not Sell List" a few months ago. Could not sell and won't buy ever again.
  4. The wheels on the Northwestern's can be confusing. I guess you just have to use them often to figure it out. This rack I got has 3 cans on the bottom for caps, all a quarter vend. One vends the acorn cap, the other vends the round cap and the other does neither. They look similiar but not exactly. :-\
  5. If they will not identify themselves or return you phone call I say BS Sounds very low rent operation to me. I would speak with your contact at this store and maybe you can become their corporate vendor. Then don't forget your friends on VENDiscuss
  6. Had the same exact thing happen at a clothing store... turned out to be the jackass with a machine next to mine. Call the number and then verify with the store owner. I would want to see the contract as well; the veribage should state some kind of exclusivity.
  7. Anyone else not getting any unread posts since last visit and new replies to your posts? I have to get new posts the old way through Home.
  8. waxie sticks from Brand, lucky I only ordered 4 bags and have 3.9 bags lefts. Nobody likes em here.
  9. IMO it will take 3-5 years to be able to make a living by organically growing your business. The best way to do it is like T-Bird and others did; buy a good route or two and grow that way. Gotta have capital behind you. If not it is part time or a hobby (and hobbies can be expensive )
  10. Sounds like the owner gets it Profits. You gotta love it.
  11. I know we have a sears outlet; will check there too; thanks will.
  12. Not only do we all go thru it but I think it is part of our path to success. Learn from each failure; where we put our equipment is so important. Hang in there it is all part of the process.
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