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The purpose of a Blog

The Mage


When I reopened the blogs, I hoped people would use them more than they have. From what I have read I get the impression that people are mixing up the purpose of a forum, and a blog.

You really don’t want to post questions, or start conversations in a blog. It is more of a one-way conversation, more like an article, or a journal entry. It’s a place where you can tell your story. People can follow you as your build your business. Another idea is to write about what you have learned. The tips and tricks that help people become more successful.

Maybe you are good at locating, found a quicker method for servicing, or ideas about increasing revenue.

You could just journal about your day. Later you can go back and see your growth, and remember things you forgot.

The above is just advice not set in stone rules, you could do it in a way nobody has ever thought of before. Creativity has no limits. Whatever you do make it yours.


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