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New Vendor - NCCS Charity


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Hey, I'm new to the vending business. I just recently placed my first 2 machines (wooo-hoo!!!)

My question is, how many machines would you recommend starting with? I'm sure that everyone will have a different answer here, but I'm just looking for some feedback. As of now I have 3 machines (1 waiting to be placed). I'm just not sure how many would arguably be too many to handle for a beginner, as well as considering the payback period. The more machines you have, the quicker the payback.

I'd highly appreciate any of your suggestions

Thank you!


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You want to start with as many machines as possible for the cheapest price and have as little inventory as possible. That way if you aint doing well, you still are ahead because you got the cheapest price possible. Avoid spending 900 dollars on a machine. Get them for less than 50 bucks if you can. Get as many as possible to ensure that you won't go wrong. Then build from there.

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"The more machines you have, the quicker the payback." - NO

If you get more machines without having to spend any money on the extras, that would give you a faster payback period. Simply buying more will NOT give you a faster payback period. Until you understand that, it's too early to start the business.

You should start with 5 to 10 machines, and you should buy them used. Sometimes Ebay has good deals, sometimes craigslist has good deals. Most of the deals are not particularly good, several are bad. They are less bad than buying new machines from vendstar.

Whatever you plan to do, ask the forums first. Newbies have been so convinced they knew what to do they threw away thousands of dollars and when they came to brag found out they got suckered. If you decide you are smarter than the experienced people, I'll save you months of frustration by allowing you to mail me your life savings.

Start with no more than 10, and go out locating. If you can't get yourself 5 locations, call it quits. Using a locating company is a crutch. They've got me some great locations, but they run out eventually and lately, in my opinion, are producing lower quality results in an effort to improve profits. 80-90% of venders fail in their first year.

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