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In Vending you get to do what you want to do

JLM Vending

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There has been many pros and cons of certain styles of vending. Commission, charity, locators, self locating, ect... But one of the good things i learned is at the end of they day, you do what you want to do. Nobody forces you to run the business a certain way. You can only take advice, but it's just advice. But at the end of they day, you do what the heck you want. Like right now Im building with singles for the first time. Some people think doubles or triples are better, but since it's my life im gonna do it how i want to. That's a good thing i realized about the biz. You don't have to do it any way you don't want to. I just want to keep things simple and efficient. U turns and Terminators have been anything but that. But now i get to run it how i want and you do too. You don't have to take orders from your boss telling you how to work. You do what you want.

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Good post, JLM. You are learning. :)

I stress the learning part. Just be careful on what advice you give someone else. Learn the whole business before you start giving advice. If it's something you actually experienced, it's good to pass that on. ;)

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